Kaye Mendoza: June 25, 2008

Teachable Spirit

I believe that the Bible is the true Word of God and when spoken in love it brings life; however, using the same Word spoken out of context, that is, apart from love, brings death. We must be very careful in discerning our own intent and motives when speaking the Word of God to ourselves or to others. Love is the only qualified reason for bringing any kind of reproof not only to others, but especially ourselves, because this is one of the most effective ways that the enemy uses to bring distortion and condemnation in our lives.

The Word of God says in Proverbs 12:1 that "Whoever loves instruction and correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is like a brute beast, stupid and indiscriminating." Indeed this is such a harsh word that we could easily quote to people whom we reprimand. But before quoting such scriptures, let us pause and think about our own motives for bringing the admonition. Is it really because of love that we want to rebuke them? Or is it because we want to prove ourselves right in our own opinion?

You see, this verse is two-fold: we should love knowledge and not hate reproof - both being characteristics of having a teachable spirit. A teachable spirit is someone whose mind is open to receive instruction as well as correction from any vessel the Lord may use, without any discrimination. The Lord is sovereign, afterall He did use a donkey. He may very well use anyone or anything else.

Having a teachable spirit is a great attribute of humility, wherein we are willing to change our own mindsets in favor of the new concepts the Lord is bringing. This means our opinions do not really matter, but what matters is what God is saying at the time. We must always listen and be in tune with the Holy Spirit, not to lean on our own understanding but in all our ways to acknowledge Him for He will make our paths straight.

The move of the Holy Spirit is like the wind. If we are not sensitive enough, if we are not teachable enough, we run the risk of stagnating into a certain school of thought. God desires for us to grow, mature, and become perfected in His ways, moving us levels up from glory to glory. Let us desire the fullest extent of where God wants us to be instead of staying put in one place. We all know that stagnant water stinks! We definitely do not want to stink, we want to be fresh and flowing with the Holy Spirit, and fresh we will be when we have a teachable spirit.

Let us pray that the Lord will give us a teachable spirit so that we are willing to totally give up our own preconceived thoughts, notions, and even some deeply-rooted teachings from former ministries or leaders, which may not have been grounded in truth. These may very well be hindering the "new thing" the Lord is trying to bring in our lives. A teachable spirit will enable us to receive corrections from anyone who speaks the Word of Life out of love.

Let us sincerely pray this prayer - "Dearest Lord Jesus, I praise You for You are wisdom personified. I love you and I love all my brothers and sisters. Lord, give me the grace to have a teachable spirit that I may be open to receive instructions, corrections and admonitions from anyone who speaks in Your love. I cover myself with your Blood to anyone else who may bring reproof spoken without Your love. I ask that you grant me the spirit of humility and discernment. I love you Lord and I put my trust in You. I give You thanks because I know that You will grant me these things for the glory of Your most holy name, Lord Jesus. Amen."

Debie Misir: June 18, 2008

Who Do You Say I AM?

To Those Who Believe

"But what about you?" He asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ." (Mark 8:29)

As the storm raged around the little fishing boat, the disciples looked up and saw the shape of a man walking on the water. Intense fear gripped them and they cried out "It's a ghost!" The Lord immediately responded… "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Yet, still they doubted. Peter replied, "Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you in the water," and the Lord said, "Come." (Matthew 14:28)

All eyes were on Peter. Doubt, fear, and suspicion raged within their hearts, matching the storm that raged without. The moment of truth was upon Peter. Unbeknownst to Peter, He was being prepared for what God will reveal to him later when the Lord asks of him…"But what about you? Who do you say I am?" The Lord seemingly says, "No, I do not want what others say of Me, but who do you say I am? Do you truly know who I am, Peter? Do you believe in Me? Do you trust in Me?"

Peter believes in the Lord. He does not fully know Him at that time, but He has witnessed many miracles and his faith in God's power is strong. He knows that the Lord is capable of doing what He says. Peter asks… "Lord if it is You, tell me to come to You in the water"… Peter was thinking "I know You and I know that if You tell me to walk on this sea…I shall walk on it." The Lord bid him to come, and Peter's faith was tested as he was also prepared for the revelation that the Father will give to him later.

At that point when the revelation is revealed, he will not only know God's might and power, but he will know God's heart. He will not only know the Lord as all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present God, but he will know Him as the Messiah, the Christ, the One Who will redeem the world from their sins.

The Lord made it very personal with Peter as He desires it to be with each and every one of us. Our relationship with Him is individual and personal. Each one of us is responsible for our own walk with Him. He has made us unique and no one else can do what He has called each of us to do. Not only does our DNA individualize us, but even our desires, thoughts, dreams, and personalities are unique. He has personalized each of us and each of our destinies in Him. Unless we seek Him individually and personally, we cannot know who He is, who we are in Him, or what our purpose is in Him. Even though family, brethren, pastors, and ministers are there to help strengthen our walk in Him, we will face Him alone on Judgment Day and we will each have to give an answer to the Father's question "What have you done with my son Jesus?"

Are you prepared to answer? Not your pastor, nor your teacher, nor your prophet, nor your evangelist, nor your husband, nor wife, nor friends, nor neighbors, nor children…YOU. What answer will you give our Heavenly Father on the Day of Judgment? Do you know His son Jesus? Have you sought and gotten revelations of His heart? Have you loved and served Him faithfully with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might? Was your life a living sacrifice to Him who died so that you may live?

Peter steps out of the boat, his faith high for his eyes are only upon his Master. The silent voices around him echo louder than the beating of a million drums in his ears. I can picture their thoughts… "Are you crazy Peter? Do you want to commit suicide? Are you taking to apparitions now? You have totally lost it Peter!" The disciples looked on, some in cautious hope, some in disbelief, others in fear, and still others greatly disapproving. Can you imagine the scene? What the Lord is ready to do with you, for you, and through you, is only for you. Others may not see it, understand it, or agree with it. That is ok, for this is not their faith walk. It is yours alone.

Peter's faith is sure for he knows His Lord. He has walked with Him. Caught up in the height of His faith and the wonder of God's glory and power, he walks on water. He does the impossible. Until he turns his eyes away from the Lord to the fiercely blowing winds around him, his faith wavered and he began to sink. Peter cried out again and the Lord lifted Him up out of the water. Peter believed for as long as it took to step out of the boat and this is all the faith the Lord asks of us. You see the Lord often sets us up in situations that seem perilous to our peace, our joy, our health, our strength, our finances, our family, and our love to test out faith so that He can bring us into places we have never been before… into a deeper faith, into a deeper walk with Him. The Lord used the darkest hour of the night, the storm, and His supernatural manifestation to get Peter out of the boat to do the impossible, but Peter had to first have that seed of faith in Him. Peter had to believe in Him enough to take the first step, and Peter had to know for himself who the Lord was and what He was capable of in order to do this. "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed," the Lord says, "you can say to this mulberry tree, "Be uprooted and planted in the sea," and it will obey you" (Luke 17:6). This is the little faith that God will use to move mountains for us and through us. Our faith in the Lord is individual. The word of God says, to each of us is given a measure of faith. The Lord will start with this faith as you surrender your life to Him and then He will add to it through the gift of faith, trials and sufferings, and our obedience in exercising the faith we already have to do the things He has called us to do. Peter is now prepared for the next level. He asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ." (Mark 8:29)

The Lord uses the faith we have, adds to it step by step, from glory to glory, to bring us all individually to a place where we know that we know that we know Who Jesus Christ is - His sovereignty, His love, mercy, His grace, and His perfect will for each of us. Knowing Him deeply works to bring us into a perfect faith in Him so that our walk can be perfected. Our obedience must be made perfect so that the impartation of His righteousness can be made complete and we can at all times demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit and bear much fruit.

To Those Who Do Not Believe

Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" "Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about Me?" (John 18:33-34)

Paraphrasing, it sounds like this…"Do you really want to know Who I am Pilate? Or are you just asking because others told you to ask? Are you truly seeking to know the truth for yourself?"

Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now My kingdom is from another place."

"You are a king, then!" said Pilate.

Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a King. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me."

Here the Lord's answer is very revealing as to the state of man's heart. Truth is prevalent in the world. Truth is in man's heart. Truth is not lacking. We simply do not want to know it. "Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me." Those who want to know truth will seek after truth and will recognize truth when they encounter it. Jesus Christ is Truth. In Him is all truth and outside of Him there is no truth. He says "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me." The only way to the Father and everlasting life is through Truth. There is no other way.

"What is truth?" Pilate asked. (John 18:36-38).

Pilate, representing a majority of those who do not know the Lord, asks the question and does not wait for an answer. He is not interested. He does not want the truth. He wanted an answer that would provide an escape out of his situation. Knowing truth would expose lies about himself that he either did not want revealed, did not want to face, or did not want to turn away from.

I have witnessed to many people about the Truth, Jesus Christ, and realized that most of those who do not believe not only are ignorant of the truth, but they do not want to know truth. It is this lack of desire for truth that keeps us blinded. For the Lord says when you seek then you will find, when you knock then the door will be opened. If you receive what He reveals "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). The truth will expose all the lies you have lived with and you shall come to the only Truth… Jesus Christ.

Seek the Truth today, beloved. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Our God is a living God, not an idol created by the hands of men, nor a myth invented by the minds of men. He is not an absent God, but is always present. He has eyes to see you, ears to hear you and a mouth to speak with you, and He wants to speak with you today. He wants to reveal truth to you. He wants to reveal Himself.

Many of you think it's too late. "I have sinned so much," you say. "How can I face a Holy and Righteous God? No one can help me now, I am in too deep." You are right, no person can, but God can. There is no pit too deep for God to reach down and pull you out. There is no sin too great for Him to forgive. There is nothing you can do to make Him stop loving you. Many of you choose to believe there is no God or prefer to leave Him as an abstract possibility simply because you do not want to face the fact that you are a sinner before God. You do not even want to think about the extent of your sins and the accountability you would have before a righteous God. But beloved, God does not condemn anyone. You condemn yourself if you do not accept His gift of salvation. Some of you think you live a decent life, do good, believe in what you choose to believe in, and do not intentionally hurt anyone, so will end up in Heaven, if you so believe. This is a lie of Satan beloved. There is no amount of good works, or decent living that can take you to Heaven or reconcile you with God, only the blood of His son Jesus that was shed for you 2000 years ago.

Salvation is free. Receive it today and be saved. The Lord and indeed all of Heaven eagerly awaits your decision.

Kaye Mendoza: June 11, 2008

Make it Right with God

"And when He [Holy Spirit] comes, He will convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment."(John 16:8)

Come, Holy Spirit

When our Lord Jesus was resurrected and glorified, He went up to Heaven to be with the Father, and sent to us the Holy Spirit as our Advocate and Comforter. The Holy spirit is the Spirit of truth Who guides us into all truth, Who does not speak on His Own but will tell us what He has heard from the Lord. He will tell us about the future and bring glory to Christ Jesus by telling us whatever the Lord Jesus gives Him.

He is a gentleman; He does not come uninvited, but once He comes, He never lets go. Unless we, in our ignorance and hardness of heart, grieves Him to the point of leaving. To our own detriment, we usually dismiss the Holy Spirit as a detached Heavenly Being that hovers above us like thin air instead of getting to know Him as a Person of God. This is our mistake, the Holy Spirit is not just an aura but One Who talks, guides, empowers, encourages and most especially convicts us to confess and renounce all our sinful words, thoughts, and deeds.


Five years ago, I became burdened - I felt the yearning for forgiveness and a deep, overwhelming sense of my sins. I knew for sure that had I died, I would have gone into perdition for eternity. These thoughts are overpowering and makes me go into waves of depression and guilt - there were times when I could not sleep, thinking of the worst, feeling tormented and lost.

When I could not ignore or deny the existence of my burden, I just did what I could to pacify the tormenting thoughts: I would lash out on my loved ones, indulge into self-destructing habits, embark into self-help manuals, consult psychics and tarot cards, and even join different religions and schools of thought.

Nothing helped.

Conviction of Sin

After three years of living hell, by the grace and mercy of God, I learned about the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Being burdened by sin and seeing no hope in the horizon, I said to myself, "What do I have to lose for trying this one out?"

So, just like with all my other endeavors, I went out for it! With all sincerity that was in my heart, I prayed and asked, "Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. I ask you to be my Lord and Savior. Come into my heart and let me be the temple of Your Holy Spirit." I said the words with conviction, I was looking forward to having every bit of the burden of my sin lifted up.

How did I know the Holy Spirit really settled in me?

I knew that the Holy Spirit lived in me because He immediately convicted me of my sin, as the Scripture says, "The world's sin is that it refuses to believe in Me [Lord Jesus]." When I confessed my unbelief, He enabled me to have the faith to believe that He is indeed Who He says He is, the Son of the Living God.

Righteousness Available

The Holy Spirit also introduced me to the written Word of God, the Bible. I saw things in there that spoke to me, like Psalms 15 - "LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman, who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts, who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken."

He will make us live the Bible. The Holy Spirit made sure every part of my life was changed, every darkened corner was lit up, every secret exposed, every thought that exalts itself up against God was crumpled, and every stronghold broken down.

He asks a series of questions, almost all of them starting with: "Are you willing to give up…?" And my answers would always be "Yes, Lord." Sometimes it took me a long time to respond, but there are times when it was easy. Giving up sin was easy, I know it is bad in the first place, but giving up things that I desire - that took time. But no matter how long it takes for me to respond, Holy Spirit is always there, gently nudging, prodding, encouraging, giving me hope. He tells me "You can do it. It's not that hard. I'm here to help you…" and when I am done, when I have overcome, He gives me more than a pat in the back, He gives me His approval, a wink in my direction, a soft kiss, a big embrace, He gives me LOVE, and pours out many blessings.

I realized that through all these processes He is molding righteousness. He is transforming me from glory to glory, from one level of holiness to the next, sifting like sand, making pure that which was impure, and making sure all the time that my relationship and communion with Him is deep, unhindered, freely flowing, nothing hidden, and nothing broken.

Judgment of Evil

All along I was focused on Holy Spirit's work in me. What I don't recognize is that, apart from His work within me, He is working also outside of me - waging the war for me, battling with powers of darkness, wielding His Sword to terminate and totally eliminate the works of the enemy in my life. Every bad decision I made, He turns it to my advantage.

Holy Spirit is my Real Hero, my Knight in shining armor. When His manifest presence comes, all evil flee, scurrying and scampering away like little rats trying their best to flee from the wrath to come. Yes, there is wrath and judgment when He comes! I thank God for this wrath is not directed to me, but is working for me!

How will I fear evil when the Good is always by my side? He is much bigger, much greater than the evil that is in the world. I am a victor, an overcomer, a winner, much loved by God. When I chose to stand by Him, He chose to stand by me and against all my enemies. How awesome!

Make it Right with God

Perhaps you feel burdened now; or maybe a thought of impending doom or guilt that keeps you awake in the middle of the night? I dare say it is the Holy Spirit, quickening your heart, convicting you of sins and the shadows of your past.

I challenge you to try what I did, after all, what have you got to lose? No matter where you are in your life, there is always a room for improvement. Sincerely ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in your heart - in your own words - just say whatever you have in your heart, after all He knows even the words that you do not say, He knows the tears that's welling up in your eyes, He knows the hurt and the pain you've endured, He knows your quirks, your frustrations, your disillusionments, your disappointments. He knows you more than you do.

The key is in our hearts, not with the many words that we say, but the sincerity and the conviction that we desire Him to be part of us. I believe that when you give it a chance, to make it right with God - He will give it all to make everything right for you.

Debie Misir: June 04, 2008

The Truth About Love

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." (John 21:15)

In other words, "Show me Peter… take care of My flock, obey My word. Don't just tell me of your love Peter…demonstrate it to Me." The Lord repeats His question twice more and each time Simon Peter declared his love, the Lord responded by asking for a demonstration of that love. Here the Lord establishes a powerful truth about love for us…that love cannot suffice as just a declaration made with words, but must demonstrate what it declares for it to be truth.

Jesus Christ set the perfect example for us when He declared His love through a demonstration. It was and will always be the most perfect demonstration of the most perfect love…. and it will live in our hearts for all of eternity. The word of God says that while we were yet sinners Christ, who knew no sin, poured out Himself on Calvary's cross, becoming sin itself for us and taking our punishment. He died and rose again that we may also live. Here the Lord demonstrated His everlasting, unconditional love…. His great passion for all of mankind. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not die, but shall have everlasting life" (John 3:16). It was a demonstration that continues to defy all human comprehension to this day, even as it captures our hearts.

Through this demonstration of His great love, we have all come to our faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith is not based on blind belief, but on our personal experiences of His love and forgiveness. We deserve none of it. We can earn none of it. It is unconditional and by His grace alone. Therein lies the definition of love's demonstration. Love is the selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional giving of one's whole self for another. Jesus Christ gave it all for us and each and every day He continues to demonstrate His love by fulfilling every promise He has ever made to us as we walk with Him. How many of us can recount miracle after miracle in our lives? From the first time He stretched forth His hand and rescued us from the very mouth of Hell where overwhelming darkness and despair covered our souls, to the countless times He walked beside us through great trials, besetting sins, intense suffering, and incurable afflictions…… delivering us, healing us, comforting us, loving us, embracing us, filling us with His peace and joy, and bringing us out victoriously into deeper faith and greater strength. How then do we love Him in return?

Some declare their love for the Lord in many passionate words and believe that this is well received. But the Lord looks deeper. He knows the very heart of man with all its self-serving desires, pretense, evil intentions, and manipulations, and so He knows when we offer only empty words. I once attended a service where a pastor's daughter was worshipping. I thought it was the most heartrendingly beautiful worship I had ever heard. But then I heard in my spirit…"These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men." (Isaiah 29:13). I could not reconcile this with the worship I was listening to and as I was pondering on it, the pastor's daughter concluded the worship, approached the seat before mine, sat down next to her father, and proceeded to argue with him. Beloved, we are all transparent to God. He cannot be mocked. It is entirely foolish to ignore this truth and continue to live in deception.

Many say like Peter, "Yes Lord, you know that I love you", but when the Lord asks for a demonstration, they respond in all human wisdom, "but Lord you know my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak". The Lord knows! He knows that this is a weak excuse made by flesh, a lie of the enemy you have bought into. For He who sees your weaknesses has already compensated abundantly by filling you with His Holy Spirit. Now you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. His strength is made perfect in your weakness. There is nothing impossible to you…..and the Lord will never ask you to do something He has not already equipped you to do.

The Lord tests and perfects our love through our obedience. A declaration of love is empty without the satisfaction that love demands through demonstration. Just like faith without works is dead, so too love without demonstration is nullified. We can express our love for God in sweet tender words, with the most heartfelt emotions, and with great floods of tears, but if this love declared is not followed in equal measure by consistent selfless actions in the giving of one's whole being for the glory of the Lord, it is of no account. John Bunyan said "Let your heart be without words, than your words without heart", and we ourselves often say … "Let your actions speak for you" when someone declares their love. We need to embrace these truths both in loving the Lord and each other. Mary's actions in Luke Chapter 7 spoke louder than an entire dictionary of words assembled to produce the most poignant expressions of love. You see, mere words could not express a love which knew no bounds. It had to be demonstrated in order for it to be fully known and understood. It had to be seen and deeply felt to be heard. Mary touched the heart of the Lord so intimately with her love that He commanded her act to be recorded in the Gospels which touch both nations and generations throughout time.

What was this supreme act of love…this powerful demonstration that affected Him so? Mary, of many sins, had entered into a home knowing she was despised and most unwelcome. Though her shame was great, her love far exceeded all self. It propelled her purposefully forward, past all accusation, past all hate, past all condemnation, and past all rejection. So helplessly in love was she that she willingly bore it all, and with eyes only for the Lord, fell at His feet. Her tears poured like rain in adoration and repentance. Tenderly she washed His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. Reverently she kissed His feet, broke her alabaster box containing her greatest treasure, and poured it all over them. Her love was all surpassing and could not be contained in her heart anymore. Indeed her very heart could not remain intact anymore, but like her alabaster box, broke under the overwhelming force of her love, pouring out all its contents. "Though she spoke with no words" , like the song writer wrote, "everything she said was heard" . Mary's demonstration left us in no doubt as to the magnitude and depth of her love. Can our actions not also speak this clearly and boldly of our own love for the Lord?

Love must be demonstrated. It can do nothing less. Loving God will find an avenue of expression whether it is simply in being a bold, adoring worshipper like Mary, a humble, mighty servant like Moses, a zealous, steadfast follower like Paul, or an "obedient unto death" child of God like Ester. If you truly love the Lord, you will willingly answer the call of God in your life. You will zealously pursue and enjoy a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord. You will worship Him in Spirit and Truth. You will imitate Him in your life, and you will serve Him mightily. You will not be able to help yourself. Your love will demand it.

Beloved if you are not in this place draw near today. Start by measuring where you are. If you truly love someone, you yearn to be close to that someone always. You seek them out continuously. You want to share their burdens, ease their hurt, and bring joy to their heart. You want to do only what pleases them and you will spend all of your time finding ways to demonstrate your love at all personal cost. Here comes the measure….How much time do you spend seeking the Lord? How much do you love to be in His presence? How often do you commune with Him and worship Him? How often do you read His word, His letter of love to you, consuming the pages while listening for new revelations as if your life depended on it? How often does your hunger and thirst for Him bring you to your knees, reaching out to Him in quiet desperation of that hunger? How fiercely do you resist temptation and evil? How resolutely do you deny self to take up your cross and follow Him? How much of your prayers reflect your intense longing for more of the Lord Himself, and how much is dedicated to the needs of others instead of yourself? How often do you awake in the middle of the night interceding for those His heart burns for: His lost sheep, His weary and burdened, His afflicted and hurting? How much time do you spend with the suffering, extending His mercy and grace which He has poured into you in abundance? How much do you long to touch Him by touching the things that touch His heart … "I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not?" (Matthew 25:43). Measure the strength of your love.

If you sincerely desire to love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your might, and you recognize that your thought life, fasting and prayer life, worship life-style, and service to the Lord is not reflecting this love, then start here. Seek forgiveness and spiritual cleansing and ask the Lord to fill you with a deep hunger and a great thirst. Then allow Him to pour into you an all-consuming fire… a love for Himself that saturates your whole being and sets you ablaze. Do not stop until you receive this. Great zeal and new passions will then re-ignite your walk. Now you can truly begin to demonstrate your love for Him…Worship Him!…Worship Him!…Worship Him!… in everything. Preach the Gospel, lay hands on the sick, give to the widows and orphans, cast out demons in His name, feed the hungry, and house the homeless. Be unstoppable. Live one life in Him, inside and outside the church. As you do this, keep measuring the strength of your love. You will find that as you demonstrate your love for Him, it increases. For as you pour out to Him and His loved ones, He pours right back into you, a hundred fold. The cycle continues. You fall deeper and deeper in love, and the fullness of the Lord in you increases and you decrease. Thus the ultimate truth about love is manifested… Christ in you, the hope of Glory.
